Youth Creativity IF Training at the National Building Museum

May 7, 2018

As a follow up to the Youth Creativity IF Discussion Training at the Joan Mitchell
Foundation in NYC, IF Fellow Ieva Notturno and IF Vice President Jeff Prudhomme led
two days of training for youth interested in participating in a similar Youth Creativity
Summit in DC. Like the training in New York, this workshop was intended to help the
youth participants, in this case all high school students, develop their collaborative
discussions skills, skills that could be useful for their eventual development and
participation in a DC Youth Creativity Summit.
In the workshop sessions, the participants explored different dimensions of what
“creativity” could mean. They also explored different areas of social or community
concern that might really call for creativity. The participants then chose some of those
topics as the focal points as they practiced discussion facilitation.
The training was a collaborative endeavor with David Markey and Anysa Saleh from the
DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities and Laurie Wilson of the National Building
Museum. Fatima Khan, a recent Wesleyan graduate with experience in Wesleyan’s IF
DID program helped to lead the workshop. The workshop took place at the museum
over two consecutive Saturdays in February, 2018.

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