Who are We The People — and who is being pushed out? A Community Conversation Series

September 21, 2023

Who is democracy for? In this discussion series, together we will explore who belongs as a full participant in American democracy – and who gets excluded. We’ll explore our questions and concerns about people who are excluded and we’ll discuss how we can respond to the forces that seek to exclude others from fully participating in our democracy.

Please join us online via Zoom for these three interactive small-group conversations to explore who are We The People and who is being excluded in our democracy. Each session has a separate registration, since each can stand on its own. But the sessions build on each other, so please sign up for as many as you can attend.

October 20, 2023 (2:00 pm – 3:15 pm ET): Who is being pushed out from our democracy? How and why is this happening? Who is included in our democracy? What does it mean to be fully included in our democracy? Who’s being excluded – and how?

November 3, 2023 (2:00 pm – 3:15 pm ET): How do we participate in our democracy? What makes it difficult for people to be free and equal members of our democracy? How might we expand our view of who is being excluded from our democracy? How do various forces exclude people and how does this affect our democracy?

November 17, 2023 (2:00 pm – 3:15 pm ET): How do we create democracy for all? What is your vision of a democracy for all? How can we get there?

REGISTER TODAY for this 3-part series by completing the Eventbrite form below. Please note that there are 3 dates for this series, and we encourage you to register for all 3 dates (scroll down in the form as needed).

Alternatively you can register directly on the Eventbrite website for this event.
Tell your friends about this conversation series. Send them this link and invite them to register as well.

These small-group conversations will be facilitated by the Interactivity Foundation. The Interactivity Foundation is dedicated to fostering generous and highly participatory conversations where we can help each other consider diverse perspectives, think broadly and deeply about issues, and imagine alternative possibilities for the future. Our small-group conversations are designed for collaborative exploration. They are not debates or arguments. We focus on helping each other to explore the broader meanings, concerns, challenges, ideas, and different possibilities for the topic.

The Organizers:

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