Updates on New Reports and IF International

June 22, 2015

Employment CoverUpdates on New IF Discussion Guides and IF International

– Mark Notturno

IF recently published two new discussion guides that were developed in sanctuary projects conducted by IF Fellow Mark Notturno—one on ‘The Future of Employment’ and the other on ‘Global Responsibility for Children’. Dr. Notturno conducted the two projects simultaneously. But the two projects were very different, and the project  on ‘Global Responsibility for Children’ had two unique components. It was, first of all, IF’s first fully international, or global, sanctuary project, involving twelve panelists from twelve different countries around the world. It was also the first IF sanctuary project to be conducted entirely online via video-conference calls, with all panel meetings convening on the video-conferencing platform Webex. The project, however, was otherwise conducted as a regular IF sanctuary project, with each panel meeting once a month on Webex for four hour discussion sessions.

Global Responsibility 4 Children coverDr. Notturno is continuing his online work with international groups. He is, with the assistance of IF Fellow Ieva Notturno, currently conducting a teacher training program in student-centered discussion courses for seven university professors in Kazakhstan. And he is also conducting weekly online exploratory discussions on ’The Future of Free Speech’. In addition to his IF projects, Dr. Notturno recently published a paper entitled ‘Falsifiability Revisited: Popper, Daubert, and Kuhn’ in The Journal of Philosophy, Science and Law. He gave a lecture in Paris on ‘The Nature of Scientific Knowledge’ at the Institute for New Economic Thinking’s annual conference in April. And he conducted a four part online seminar series in April on his new book—Hayek and Popper: On Rationality, Economism, and Democracy—for the Bases Foundation in Argentina.

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