The Chinese Connection with Wesleyan

October 5, 2015
Wesleyan has entered into a dual-degree program with Guangzhou (GU), which will bring a group of GU students to Wesleyan each year. This experience is supposed to replicate the experience of a Wesleyan education for the exchange students. The Wesleyan faculty wanted to make sure that the GU students learned to use the IF deliberative dialog process.  Over the past several years, IF method has become a standard part of the Wesleyan educational experience. In preparation for this new exchange program, the faculty created a summer class (WISe 201) to introduce the IF process for the GU students.

Approximately 55 exchange students participated in this summer course.  Involvement turned out to be a great way to get the GU students to work on their discussion skills in English while allowing them to interact more meaningfully with each other, with faculty, and with the other Wesleyan students.

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