Resilient Wisconsin Day

April 19, 2014

With IF staff Adolf Gundersen and James Schneider conducting the afternoon discussion on climate change…

Resilient Wisconsin Day

A Wisconsin Academy forum on our climate, energy, and water future
Tuesday, May 6, 2014 – 8:30am to 4:30pm
Varsity Hall, UW–Madison Union South

1308 W. Dayton Street RWD_slide2

Madison, WI 53715

Water and energy are two of today’s biggest environmental and social challenges. A thriving Wisconsin depends on clean and abundant water, and on energy sources that meet our needs, but don’t make climate change worse. How are we doing on meeting those challenges?

Join us for a daylong discussion of resilience, hosted by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters.

Panel discussions will explore:
•    Advances in energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy that can shape a greener future
•    Opportunities for safeguarding our state’s freshwater ecosystems

Workshop options include:
•    Starting a fruitful conversation on climate change
•    Using values and norms to communicate water issues
•    Improving approaches to integrated water management
•    Examining food, water, and energy connections

In the closing address, Torbjörn Lahti, co-founder of Sweden’s first “eco-municipality,” will lead the charge for sustained—and sustainable—progress toward a thriving Wisconsin.

Please go to the Academy’s registration page to buy your ticket(s). Registration is $55 general public / $45 Wisconsin Academy members / $25 students. All registrations include lunch. Register now to secure your place at the forum. A limited number of registration scholarships are available for student volunteers. Contact Aaron Fai to inquire.

Hosted by the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts & Letters, Resilient Wisconsin Day is presented in partnership with the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, and with generous support from the Joyce Foundation, the Brico Fund, the Sally Mead Hands Foundation, and other sponsors.

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