National Dialogue Network – Online Survey

April 3, 2013

National Dialogue Network – Online Survey

April 3, 2013

Below, I’ve pasted a list-serve message from John Spady, Coordinator of a new initiative to build a National Dialogue Network and to engage citizens throughout the country in dialogue on current political concerns.  The first step in this initiative is a large online survey effort to help identify the most important issues for discussion/dialogue.  I’ve taken the survey and am encouraging others to take it as well.  You can access the links to the survey from the link at the bottom of John’s email below.

Also, you can find out more about this initiative from the following websites:

Start of John Spady’s message:
Greetings to all current subscribers of this [National-Dialogue] listserv,

This is a special invitation from the NDN working group that is being sent first to this list before going out to the broader public and the regular NCDD DISCUSSION list.

After weeks of talking, planning, and preparation our team is ready to ask for suggestions from you, and the general public, about which broad national topic heading should be selected for the inaugural issue of the 2013 National Dialogue Network. This is known internally as our “Cycle 1 Survey” and it is open now through April 15.

Results from the Cycle 1 survey will be used by our working group to select the national topic issue that will be advanced to the next stage. It will be in Cycle 2 where our team (with your extra help) drills down into the selected issue to determine the best specific focus and framework to appeal to the widest national audience.  Please click on the link at the bottom of this message to begin the first of TWO brief surveys.

This first survey will gather an Email address and a Zip Code — and it will ask you to select either an “Individual” or a “Group” invitation. You are welcome to run the survey twice and choose both invitation types. The individual invitation is keyed to your Email address and can only be used once. The group invitation will be keyed to an organizational name that you indicate. The first survey will finish by sending you a confirmation Email with the specific invitation type you requested. Inside that confirmation will be a link to the second issue survey. We split it up like this so we can confirm accurate Email addresses.

If you requested a group invitation then please help us out by forwarding it along to your many social network contacts. All invitations are tallied and our internal reports will be able to determine which group invitations are most widely used. And I want to make a special appeal to anyone with extensive social network and organizational connections… your help is EXTREMELY important for us to collect feedback from as far and wide and as quickly as possible. Please distribute your group invitation as widely as possible.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about our first Cycle 1 surveys please either write to me, or leave a voice message on our national information line: 1-800-369-2342 — a member of our team will call you back asap.

And one last request… If you are proficient in another language, please contact me if you are willing to help provide translations of these surveys. It’s quick and easy but we need your help to do it.

So here now is the primary link you will need to begin:

Thank you!
John Spady
Coordinator, National Dialogue Network


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