Interactivity Foundation’s Biannual Report

Integrating IF’s 3 Core Mission Areas

Dear collaborative discussion friends and partners:

We are interrupting our regularly scheduled newsletter to share with you the Interactivity Foundation’s Biannual Report, Oct 2022 – April 2023. In this report, we describe IF’s programming across all 3 mission areas (education, community conversation, and developmental discussion) during this reporting period. We are sharing it with you to help illustrate how the Collaborative Discussion Project continues to develop and fits within the broader mission of the Interactivity Foundation. As always, feel free to reach out if you would like to learn more or connect with our other programming, activities, resources, or content. Enjoy!


Upcoming Events

  • The Interactivity Foundation is organizing a 3-part interactive, small group conversation series, exploring dimensions of The Economy & Democracy. Join us for the third session on Wednesday, May 17 at 2pm (EDT). Invite your students! Register here.
  • The Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley is offering the Bridging Differences in Higher Education Learning Fellowship. This is a great opportunity for any leader in higher education — faculty, administrators, staff, or students — who wants to foster more constructive dialogue and understanding on US college campuses. Recipients will be be part of a 8-month facilitated virtual learning community from September 2023 to April 2024. The application deadline is May 22, 2023. Learn more and apply today!
  • The School of Public Affairs at American University is hosting an online conversation about dialogue and pedagogy, “Can We Talk? Defining, Practicing, and Protecting Dialogue in Higher Education” on June 13th and 14th from 1pm – 5pm (EDT). Over the two days, this event will have four 90-minute sessions, each beginning with a short keynote followed by an interactive facilitated discussion. All are welcome! Register here.
  • We are also accepting nominations for our Pilot Coach Training for Undergraduate Students which will take place this fall. Space will be limited. You can learn more or nominate a student by emailing me at [email protected]

Looking forward to collaborating,

Shannon Wheatley Hartman & the Collaborative Discussion Team

Interested in working with us to bring better discussions to your classroom, community or workplace?

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