IF Helps Train Summer Camp Counselors

July 8, 2019

IF Fellows Ieva Notturno and Jeff Prudhomme worked with Lauren Wilson, Director of Community Engagement at the National Building Museum in D.C. to prepare 8 counselors for an upcoming summer camp, Investigate Where We Live, in which teens from D.C. will explore outdoor public spaces around the city.

The National Building Museum’s training lasted several days, and IF’s participation was just one part of it. During the training, the IF facilitators first helped the group explore different things that make outdoor spaces feel welcoming and/or unwelcoming. Then, going deeper, we helped them generate a few possibilities for creating welcoming outdoor spaces. Finally, we helped them to explore different IF facilitation techniques and to brainstorm about how to connect our techniques with their summer program activities.

We are wishing the counselors success with their summer camp!

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