IF Collaboration with the George Washington University in Washington

May 5, 2016

Ieva 1IF Collaboration with the George Washington University in Washington

By Ieva Notturno

Professor Ayman El Tarabishy at the George Washington University in Washington D.C. is an extremely creative and innovative professor. One of the classes he teaches at the Business School is called “Social Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship as a Tool of Liberation and Oppression.” Last March, he invited IF Fellow Ieva Notturno and the panelists in her Creativity and Innovation project to facilitate discussions in his class.

There were 24 students in the class (most of them are in this photo). Roughly half of them were Americans, the others were from Egypt. All of them are studying business, but this class focused on social entrepreneurship, which encourages students to create and build businesses that find solutions to social problems.

The students first explored what creativity and innovation could mean in the work place. They then explored what creativity and innovation is or could be and what questions and concerns they or other people may have about it.

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