Exploring “The End of American Democracy?” – 3 DIY Facilitation Plans

October 10, 2023

Use these three DIY facilitation plans to organize your own small-group exploratory discussions to explore “The End of American Democracy?”

What would it look like if American democracy were to come to an end? What signs would we see that tell us democracy is at risk? What institutions or processes do we need for a healthy democracy–and where do we see these at risk? What beliefs and values are essential for a healthy culture of democracy?  How might we strengthen our democratic institutions and our democratic culture to resist the threats against them? You can use the three facilitation plans shown below to help you explore these questions with others. The plans work as a series, but you can also use each one as a standalone discussion.

Facilitation Plan One: Imagining the End of American Democracy

This discussion asks you to imagine what it would look like if democracy actually came to an end in the US. It’s intended to help you and your conversation partners begin to collaboratively explore different aspects of what democracy means to you all.

Download Facilitation Plan One

Facilitation Plan Two: Exploring the Mechanisms of Democracy

This discussion is designed to help you explore what you and your conversation partners think the essential mechanisms for democracy are–and where you see these mechanisms of democracy at risk. It also asks you to imagine how these essential democratic institutions or processes could be strengthened.

Download Facilitation Plan Two

Facilitation Plan Three: Exploring the Culture of Democracy

This discussion is intended to help you and your conversation partners explore the culture of democracy–not just its mechanisms. It asks you to explore the beliefs and values that are essential for a healthy democratic society–and to explore how the culture of democracy might be strengthened.

Download Facilitation Plan Three



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