IF Education Initiative: IF Learning Circles for Faculty

August 3, 2017

This summer we launched IF’s Learning Circles for Faculty, a series of an hour-long small group online discussions about IF’s teaching method and student-centered classroom discussions courses in general. We invited faculty members who have used or would like to use IF’s teaching method in their classrooms.

For three consecutive weeks, 4-7 participants, including some IF Fellows and faculty who are familiar with IF’s teaching method, have taught college level courses using it, or would like to learn about it, or simply improve their use of it met on Zoom. During the discussions, the discussants shared their experiences in teaching their courses using our method. We all shared relevant materials, including syllabi, and helped a faculty member shape his individual syllabus.

If you would like to know more, or if you would like to join a future IF Learning Circle for Faculty, or if you know somebody who is interested in learning more about discussion centered student facilitated courses, please email [email protected]


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