Educating Community Facilitators, The K-State Experience

December 31, 2015

As the semester winds down, I am almost ready to reflect on my experience teaching Leadership in Practice at Kansas State University. As a fellow in residence in the Staley School for Leadership Studies (SLS), I engaged this course with the goal of training students to become community discussion facilitators. Like almost all IF and SLS classes, students were asked to take ownership of knowledge construction and facilitate discussions within the class and beyond. Although it is too early to share the failures, successes, and successful failures of this experience, it is worth noting that Sue Goodney Lea and I are exploring best practices for training students in community discussion facilitation. We hope to create a space to share resources, discuss strategies, and even workshop sample syllabi. If you are interested in empowering students with the confidence and skill set to organize and facilitate community discussions, then please connect with Shannon ( or Sue (

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