Do Conversations Inspire You? How?

May 8, 2020

Conversations can do so many different things for us: make us feel connected, intrigued, and even alienated. They can also inspire us.

The conversations we had during our Winter Concert, Conversation, and Lunch Series in January and February were fun, thoughtful, and at times inspiring. Some of the inspiration and creativity for such conversations came from the beautiful live music performances brought by Michelle Kim of Culture Saves, our partner in the series.

The topic for the whole series was ‘community’. We explored the many different dimensions and values associated with community. Then we looked at different questions and concerns that communities have. We came up with some ways to address those concerns and imagined what ideal communities might look like.

I was delighted to see that the music not only inspired these great conversations, but inspired others to be creative as well. I noticed, for example, Carol Lee Morgan sketching during the concert.

Afterwards, I saw this beautiful piece.

I talked with Carol after the event and again just recently. She is an artist in Washington, D.C. She works in ink drawings, sculpture, watercolor, and collage. Sometimes she draws at the Millennium Stage, on D.C. metro, or at a friend’s party. She is also a writer and recently wrote about her experiences of drawing in this article in the Washington Post. ( )

I asked Carol about her sketching during our Winter Concert, Conversation, and Lunch event on February 23rd, and she told me: “It is a way to document experience. I empathize with people I am drawing. People are fascinating. It is a way of getting to know them.” And specifically when it comes to the music performance, she said: “It is a way to share and a way to get close to the performance.”

What about you? What inspires you? Do conversations inspire you? Let us know on IF social media, Facebook or Twitter (@IFTalks).



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