IF Discussions in Buenos Aires, Argentina

September 30, 2016

in In August there were two IF discussion series organized in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The first was about The Future of Regulation at the University of Buenos Aires’ Law School. With its 50,000 students, it is the largest law school in the world. The second discussion series was about The Future of Employment at a private university, UCEMA.

In both places, students, professors, and even people not associated with a university participated in our discussions. The discussants were not only from Argentina, but also from Australia, England, Venezuela, and the United States. The discussions were fascinating in that the questions and concerns that the participants addressed were expanded and enriched by their experiences and history.

Mark Notturno and Ieva Notturno facilitated the discussions, but the biggest thanks goes to Carolina Rodriguez Gonzalez who helped to organize them. As an IF alumna with practical understanding of various IF projects, she set everything up perfectly.  Also, the universities’ managements were very open and curious about IF’s discussion process.



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