January 6, 2022 Just Imagine…Innovating with Big Ideas When we think of innovations, we generally think of devices and their applications for our daily lives. Innovations can also be big ideas. Consider for example the following innovations: A...
December 16, 2021 Just Imagine…Genius and Discrimination Emmy Noether was born to a Jewish family in Erlangen, Germany, in 1882. Her father was a professor of mathematics at the University of Erlangen. She passed exams in French...
December 8, 2021 Think About…11 Topics on Course Design for Collaborative Discussions I wrote a "Think About" series of messages that were designed for educators who want to engage students in more active learning using collaborative class discussions. These messages have been...
December 3, 2021 LGBTQ+ Experiences of Prom Over 7 Decades Session 3 of a Film & Conversation Series on LGBTQ+ Generations On November 18th, we watched Take Me to Prom, a short film about LGBTQ+ experiences of the adolescent milestone of...
October 27, 2021 Awareness of Microaggressions “Before we start our discussions today, I want you to take out a sheet of paper for a short quiz.” That’s how Dr. Janice Al-Koman started class. The students were...
October 20, 2021 Disobeying the Bully “That’s an idiotic comment,” said Ben. That sort of rudeness was typical for Ben when responding to one of his discussion partners. He made a habit of demeaning his classmates’...
October 13, 2021 Lifesaving Listening Dr. Lucinda Watson taught a Professional Practice course for Psychology majors. “Today I want to work with you on listening skills. I want to begin with a video testimonial from...
October 7, 2021 Just Imagine…The Color of Invention Garrett Morgan was born in Kentucky in 1877, the child of formerly enslaved parents. He completed schooling up through the sixth grade but had to go to work when he...
September 30, 2021 Recognizing the Stranger? Films & Conversations Exploring our Connections and Disconnections Who is the stranger? And who is my neighbor? What does it take for us to connect with one another across our differences? Last week the Interactivity Foundation facilitated small group conversations...