August 12, 2009 Talent is Liquified Trouble In his 2005 documentary entitled Sketches of Frank Gehry the filmmaker Sydney Pollock commented that one of his own mentors told him that “talent is liquefied trouble.” Pollock mentions this...
June 28, 2009 Tacit Knowledge vs. Intellectual Technologies There's an interesting section on "Thinking as Doing" in Matthew Crawford's Shop Class as Soulcraft that can help shed light on what we're trying to convey in our approach to...
June 24, 2009 Generating Possibilities Last week I described the Interactivity Foundation's discussion process as flowing through roughly three stages: generating questions, generating diverse responses to those questions, and then revising those responses by exploring...
June 16, 2009 My Young Friend, Jay Stern I'd like to offer a brief word of farewell to commemorate the passing of a dear friend and mentor, Jay Stern. Jay passed away this past Saturday, June 13, 2009....