Apply now! Become an IF Collaborative Discussion Coach

April 28, 2022

(c) Mary Ann Bates, all rights reserved,

Join the Interactivity Foundation’s Summer Training June 1 – 7, 2022 (virtual) 12 pm – 3 pm ET

Click Here to Apply

Deadline: May 9  

The IF Collaborative Discussion Training equips participants to become a certified coach and empowered to design and facilitate IF Collaborative Discussion Certificate Programs. Coaches help to nurture and activate collaborative discussion skills and habits of mind in classrooms, communities, and workplaces.

The Collaborative Discussion Training is a 15-hour, small-group, interactive workshop designed to

  • introduce participants to key collaborative discussion concepts
  • dive deep into the Collaborative Discussion Toolkit and IF pedagogy
  • model how to facilitate collaborative discussion activities
  • share practical and ready-to-use collaborative discussion resources
  • practice collaborative discussion skills and habits in small working teams
  • connect participants in a learning experience and broader community of practice
  • design a certificate program that the coach can implement after the training



Who should apply? Anyone interested in offering a certificate program and helping others to develop collaborative discussion skills. This might include: educators, librarians, community leaders, student leaders, business and professional development managers.

Cost: All IF Collaborative Discussion Trainings are currently free of charge

Questions? Want to propose a cohort training for your team or community? Email Shannon Wheatley Hartman at

Click here to read more about the IF Collaborative Discussion Project

What participants are saying about our training:

The Collaborative Discussion Training opened up a wealth of information, tools and discussions which addressed the tricky area of interpersonal and group decision making and project design. It hit the essential areas of ethics, philosophy and practicality which both stretched and enlightened our group of librarians. Thanks to the expert and inspiring guidance of the facilitators! –Stephanie Ralph, Library Director of Summit County, Colorado


The Interactivity Foundation’s training program has brought a wealth of new tools and perspectives to our school programming. The sequence of modules provide concrete directions, key steps, clear concepts, and evaluative measures for easily integrating collaboration into your classes or curricula. –Don Waisanen, Baruch College, City University of New York

Interested in working with us to bring better discussions to your classroom, community or workplace?

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