On Monday, I’ll begin teaching a 5-week summer course called “Facilitating Citizen Discussion,” a stand-alone course aimed at equipping students with the facilitation skills I acquired during the 2006 Summer Institute.  Although I previously taught a blended course — a graduate course called “Facilitating Corporate Social Responsibility,” and I’ve conducted one Citizen Discussion project, this is my first course aimed solely at the facilitation process.  The IF materials have been extremely helpful in planning and organizing the class, and several conversations with Jack helped polish the approach.  Thankfully, it’s a very small class — just seven students, so this will be an excellent laboratory paving the way toward regularly offering the course.  The course meets Monday-Friday for an hour and a half each day, so my thinking is that a substantial on-line component would be superfluous.  However, I will be using a dedicated Moodle site as a platform for course content, assignment submission and grading, etc.  The greatest challenge is explaining to colleagues, administrators and students just what this class is about.